Welcome to Saint Timothy's Episcopal Church

Worship, Formation, Pastoral Care
At Saint Timothy’s Episcopal Church, we are committed to nurturing the whole person through Worship, Formation, and Pastoral Care. Our worship services invite all into the beauty of Anglican tradition, centered on Word and Sacrament. Through formation, we grow in faith together, exploring scripture, theology, and spiritual practices. And in pastoral care, we offer prayer, guidance, and support for those in need, walking alongside one another in Christ’s love. No matter where you are on your journey, you are welcome here.

Worship and Sacraments
Sundays 11:00 AM
Worship is at the heart of Saint Timothy’s. Each Sunday, we gather in prayer, Scripture, and song through the service of Morning Prayer, a time-honored liturgy that shapes our faith. On occasion, we share worship around the table in a communal meal, recalling the early Church’s gatherings. When a priest is present, we celebrate the Holy Eucharist, typically once a month, receiving Christ’s Body and Blood in the Sacrament.
Whether in spoken prayer or sacramental mystery, our worship draws us closer to God and one another. All are welcome to join us in worship, wherever you are on your journey of faith.

Coffee and Conversations
Sundays 12:00 PM
Coffee and Conversations is an open and welcoming space for all who seek to grow in faith and understanding. Gather with us over a cup of coffee as we explore a variety of topics—from the rich wisdom of Scripture to the teachings of the Episcopal Church’s Catechism. Whether you are a lifelong Episcopalian, new to the faith, or simply curious, this class offers a space for thoughtful discussion, deep questions, and shared insights. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, there is a seat for you at the table.

Listening Hearts
By Appointment
At Saint Timothy’s, pastoral care is a ministry of presence, prayer, and support. While we do not currently have an ordained presence, care is available on Sundays or by appointment. We offer a variety of sacraments for healing, as well as a listening ear for those in need of comfort and guidance.
Additionally, our Prepare and Enrich certified facilitator provides Pre-Marital, Couples, and Marriage Care, available to both our church and the wider community. Whatever your journey, you are not alone—we are here to walk with you in faith and love.